Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Little Things

I have always promoted "The Little Things" as the things that make life a little sweeter and the day a little brighter. It is usually the little things that matter most to me [and most women I know] in dating and marriage. For example, the other day my sister was beaming while showing me a note that her BF Greg had left on her dresser or somewhere. It was a plain lined piece of paper, turned sideways, with a note written in pencil "I LOVE YOU KELLIE" with a little side note slanted up to the right that read "till the end." That little gesture made her heart fill up.

But little things can be done for friends, too. They are not always man/woman things.

Today, I received a "little thing" from a good friend and coworker Melissa. She actually called me to ask if I could use a couple of coupons she clipped out for John's Incredible Pizza. "DUH!" I told her! So, she sent them up to me via interoffice mail. But the coupons were not what made my day. The package they came in did.

Check it out:

She actually printed out that picture of E.T. (get it, E.T.? hehe) and taped it to the envelope. It probably took her all of 2 minutes, but the thought of it is just so cool. She wanted to make me laugh, and she definitely did, and I love 'er!

I also paid it forward this evening when I left a little "love note" on each of the boys' pillows...just a ripped up piece of paper with "I love you Ethan" and "I love you Brenden" written in a couple colored pencils that were laying around. :)

Experience as a Hindrance

I have been following my old (from high school) friend's blog....Life After My Twenties.....and she has recently been writing about dating. Brooke, who we all know and love, made a comment on her blog about the difference between dating in the younger years...teens and early 20s....and the not so young years...late twenties and 30s...and beyond I suppose. She said that it must be different because you have a better idea of what you want when you are older, whereas those that date and even get married when they are younger sometimes make poor choices. That sounds familiar! Anyway, I was thinking about it and I realized that with the experience, I became wiser, smarter and pickier. The problem is that I am a little wiser (I know a lot more about myself and men in general), a little smarter (but I still do stupid things in dating), and A LOT pickier. Great guys are suddenly OK and OK guys are losers.

It's like I find myself spouting out "pass" before the cards have all been dealt, and quite honestly, it's like I find myself not even willing to play because I just don't feel like checking out my hand.

I'm beginning to realize that this could all be due to the fact that there are people in my life right now who are satisfying my current needs. Perhaps I should take a closer look at them...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Just wanted to remember to talk about these -- I'm at work now, so later...

Matthew 11:28-30 "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

"The more honest you can be (with yourself and with others) about who you are and what you need to be fulfilled, the more likely you are to create a life that’s right for you." ~Unknown

Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy for Lovers

Haven't we all been there? Where we see others in love and we HATE them for it? We hate them because we don't have what they have?

I can say for certain that I have been there. I have been bitter and jaded and resentful.

But it has passed.

Now, I can only thank God for blessing some of those close to me with true, real, deep love. My sister Kellie has gone through huge trials of the heart. And now, love has found her. My best friends Brooke and Ryan are inseparable. I am SO happy for them.

I don't know if soul mates exist or if there is one best mate for each person, but I do know that there are couples who love each other so much that they can't imagine life without the other. Isn't it wonderful that in this huge world filled with evil, sadness and tragedy that kindred spirits can find each other and just know?

It is such a blessing.

Slumdog Millionaire

That was a realllllly good movie. Action, drama, suspense, history and love all rolled up into good.