Saturday, February 7, 2009

I am "The Rule."

Saw "He's Just Not That Into You" last night. Ooowee that was a cute, fun, eye-opening movie. I mean, I'm not a young girl, and I've been around the block, but even with my abundance of experience with men (haha), I think I still somehow thought I was the exception! I have really used the words "I guess he must have died!" when someone didn't call me like they said they would. C'mon, you know, I'm so great, right?! I'm smart, pretty, fun, yada yada yada, how could I be lumped in with all the other women as THE RULE?

Easy! I am the rule! Not an exception at all! It was a hard pill to swallow, but ladies and gentleman, I think I did it! Aren't you proud? :)