Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Contract of Devotion

To follow up my last post, I thought it would be appropriate to blog about a very touching "Contract of Devotion" that was signed by my friend Reyna, her husband Tom and their son Brody. Brody is Tom's stepson but Tom is now being acknowledged as "Dad" since Brody's biological father has not played an active roll in his life. I felt compelled to share this "Contract of Devotion," as Reyna shared it with me (and gave me permission to blog about it). Not only is it a wonderful idea, but is wonderfully written, and despite it's seriousness, it is really damn cute! It brought me to tears because it was created out of genuine love and really demonstrates what a great dad is, and what a family is about...even if the family is a blending of what was at one time two separate families.

Contract of Devotion and Union
October 2008

The following “Contract of Devotion” (COD) shall be considered a Philp Phamily legal document and thereby upon signature, group hug, and kiss, the contract terms shall be adhered to and abided by at all times from this date forward.

Description of Contract

This COD is an agreement between Thomas Philp (Dad) and Broderick Sorensen (Brody) and is intended to affirm the union of Brody and Dad as father and son.

The COD is a sign of devotion, genuine loyalty, commitment and dedication between father and son.

With the approval of Brody’s mother, Reyna Philp (Mom), and at the request of Brody himself, Dad will legally be named as Brody’s father within the Philp Phamily Phoundation and is hereby granted all rights and responsibilities as father.

Although the following terms and conditions have been in place since 2002, the parties involved felt compelled to sanction their devotion and union as father and son.

Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply at all times and have been agreed upon by all parties:

Dad Promises the Following to Brody:
Dad promises, at all times, to provide unconditional love, support, affection, hugs, kisses, discipline, advice, and attention to Brody.
Dad promises to attend all school meetings, sporting events, extracurricular activities, science fairs, doctor and dental appointments, and birthday parties of Brody unless there are extenuating circumstances. In the event of an extenuating circumstance, Dad will provide Brody with an explanation ahead of time, if possible, and the explanation will be a good one!
Dad promises to treat Brody, as he has for the last 6 years, with respect, care, and admiration.
Dad promises to continue his bond with Brody and support his needs whenever possible.
Dad promises to teach Brody mechanical skills, rifle skills, tool names and designations, and at least 3 different knot variations and how to treat girls.

Brody Promises the Following to Dad:
Brody promises to obey, respect, love and value Dad.
Brody promises to abide by Dad’s rules at all times.
Brody promises to accept and appreciate all of Dad’s hugs, kisses and “I Love You”s, even when it might be uncomfortable, or embarrassing. A kiss from Brody to Dad, however, is not required to show love and affection, although it would be greatly appreciated and happily accepted.
Brody promises to continue being a good young man, keeping up his grades in school and being an all around good son.
Brody promises to speak kindly and make good choices.

Additional Contract Item
Surname Change Request

At the request of Brody, with the support and authorization of his Mom, Brody would like to use the last name of Dad and from this day forward, Brody will be known as Broderick Philp within the Philp Phamily Phoundation. Brody, at any point, may terminate this portion of the contract.

After a period of time, determined by Brody, he may elect to legalize the Philp surname with the County of Riverside and will notify Dad and Mom of his wishes. Dad and Mom promise to act on Brody’s wishes, when the time arrives.

Termination of Contract Terms

Under the Philp Phamily Phoundation guidelines, this “Contract of Devotion” cannot be terminated at any time. Neither party involved can cease their rights, or the rights of the other party. This contract cannot become null or void at any point, no matter what the circumstances. You are bound by the terms of this contract and unionized as father and son.

See Page 3 for Approvals and Consent.
Approval and Consent

By signing this document, you hereby agree to all the terms and conditions detailed above and agree to communicate with each other, resolve issues as needed, and provide forgiveness if any terms or conditions are not met to your satisfaction.

Signed:__________________________________ Date:___________________
Brody Philp
Stakeholder of the Philp Phamily Phoundation

Signed:_________________________________ Date:___________________

Thomas V. Philp III
Co-Founder of the Philp Phamily Phoundation

Witness:________________________________ Date:___________________
Reyna Philp
Co-Founder of the Philp Phamily Phoundation

Witness:________________________________ Date:___________________
Jacob Blackwell
Stakeholder of the Philp Phamily Phoundation

Witness:________________________________ Date:___________________
Cecilia Philp
Stakeholder of the Philp Phamily Phoundation

Witness:________________________________ Date:___________________
Xavier Philp
Stakeholder of the Philp Phamily Phoundation

So really, who is not crying? :)

I have never been one to say that I want or need a man to come into my life and be like a second father to my boys...ever...and I don't want or need that at all (in fact the thought of it in my life seems strange); but if someday I get married again, like Reyna did, I imagine that he will be the type of man that would eventually want to sign something like this...and I imagine that my heart would be filled with complete adoration as I know Reyna's is...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Baby Daddy

What can I say about the title of this blog post? I was born and raised...and still live in SoCal...a little rubs off on a girl, you know!? :)
Anyway, one thing that I love about being able to come to "The Other Side" is the fact that I am not sensored. "Three's Company" is for me and my boys. They read it, they laugh at it, we enjoy it. This blog is for me. It's for me to rant about things and talk about whatever I want.

My "baby daddy" [BD] is definitely worth a rant. I'll try not to rant too much...since I do consider it a waste of time, but honestly, sometimes, I just can't help myself.

Yesterday we visited John's Incredible Pizza Company for Brenden's birthday. It was an ABSOLUTE BLAST. We danced in the beach room to fun tunes, ate yummy food, played super fun games, and really just had a great time. Visit "Three's Company" for details. ;)

The party started at 11am....wait I should back up. A couple of weeks before the party I talked to BD about it, invited him and his family, asked if he'd like to help with the expenses, etc. He said he would let me know. Three or more times after that I questioned him about it and always received the same reply. The day before the party he called me and wondered what was up with the party. He told me that he was waiting for his dad to tell him if he would be coming and bringing his family. His dad never called him back about it BTW. Sad. Anyway, he said that he would be there and would bring an ice cream cake. I told him it wasn't necessary since I was making really fancy cupcakes but he said he wanted to so fine, that was great. So, that day he told me he would call me back after 2 and let me know for sure who was coming, etc. He never called me back.

Ok, day of party. We arrived at 10:45am...a tad early to get things situated. BD called at 10:50am and said he was on his way but he didn't know if his wife and child and stepchildren were coming yet. I explained that the party was in 10 minutes, and questioned how he could not know if they were coming. He didn't really give me any details. So I asked him if he was close and he was somewhere still kinda far away. I told him that he was going to miss everything. We hung up. Party started, people ate, presents were opened, Heelys were celebrated, Happy Birthday was sung, fancy cupcakes were consumed, Fun Cards were passed out, kids were playing games. BD called at 1:25pm. He was there. Every guest had gone home already except my sister in law Jay and my sister's boyfriend Greg (and my parents). Ethan and Brenden rushed excitedly to greet their dad. So in he waltzed with his brood. No presents for Brenden. No ice cream cake. They all looked terribly unhappy...all 5 of them. They ate. And played some games. I was ready to go after a while. BD had planned on taking the boys home with him that night but obviously it wasn't going to happen since they only brought one car. At one point, BD came up to me explaining how they were late because of his wife and he had to turn around and go all the way back home to get her and the kids and she would kill him if she found out that he just put $10 each on their fun cards for them and not her kids and he hates her so much and he wants to leave and he is starting school full time in a week and blaaaaaaaaaah blaaaaaaaaaaah blaaaaaaaaaaaaah. The man speaks a language called Excuse. It's all he knows. He plans his life around excuses, and lives by them. In December it will be 10 years since I married him. I KNOW that he knows no other language. My children adore this person. They didn't express any disappointment. Either they are used to it or oblivious. BD asked if they could stay a while and he would leave his wife and the other kids there and bring them home later. Ok. One hour later he was calling, bringing them home.

Now people say that someday my children will realize "the truth" about their dad. I wonder though if they will always look at him adoringly as they do now. (Honestly, as much as I do for Ethan, care for him and love him, he would "choose" his dad over me if given a choice. But that's another blog post!) Really, I wish that I could see them look at him that way and be happy because he is a wonderful father. But I can't. I actually used to think that he was a good dad. And I still know that he genuinely loves the boys. He plays with them and laughs with them and has a good time with them when they are together. But being a dad is about more than that. It's about setting a good example, leading them onto a good path, providing stability, being there at the start of the birthday party, not when it is over...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


My beautiful mom's name is Joy. Yesterday was her birthday. We had a fabulous time at a hot springs spa...just the two of us...and dinner with the fam that night. It was wonderful; massages, jacuzzi, mud, sun and relaxation!

My mom deserved a nice day like that for her birthday. She deserved it because of the remarkable woman that she is. And she doesn't just have the looks either (although people at her job nicknamed her Hollywood and Farrah for a good reason haha). I am not exaggerating when I say that mom has the most beautiful heart and soul of anyone I have ever met. Yes, she is quirky (and seems to get quirkier with each passing year hehe), and yes some her actions are questionable, (too much ice cream for the grand kids if you know what I mean!), but no one I have encountered has even come close to portraying the selflessness that my mom does. No one has ever shown the grace that she does. She doesn't complain...not ever. She doesn't criticize, she doesn't judge. She cares for people in a way I have never seen anyone else care. She is honest, kind and genuine.

The past few years have been hard times for my mom, but she muddles through without thinking of herself. In the toughest times, she thinks of others' needs before her own. She brightens strangers' days and she lights up the room. Even when I try really hard to be a "good" person, I don't compare to her.

Her name is perfect because it describes exactly what she is and what she gives. My mom's heart is joy, her soul is joy, her name is Joy.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Where running takes me.

For me, running started as a way to get in shape. Then, at some point along the way, I started to actually enjoy it. Now, I can't imagine not doing it. While running, I sometimes just sing to myself. Sometimes my mind wanders and I think about men, or work, or movies. Sometimes the only thing I can do is to repeat to myself that I am almost done...and to keep going. Sometimes I think about God. The other day, I was doing my own little Jog-for-God. Is that weird? Anyway, there I was, running up a hill, when I said "Oh God please help me get up this hill!" So then I wondered, is it ok to dedicate a challenging run to God, and then turn around and ask Him to help you do it? hehe :)

It must not have been that bad because He helped me up. And here's what I made it to: