My mom deserved a nice day like that for her birthday. She deserved it because of the remarkable woman that she is. And she doesn't just have the looks either (although people at her job nicknamed her Hollywood and Farrah for a good reason haha). I am not exaggerating when I say that mom has the most beautiful heart and soul of anyone I have ever met. Yes, she is quirky (and seems to get quirkier with each passing year hehe), and yes some her actions are questionable, (too much ice cream for the grand kids if you know what I mean!), but no one I have encountered has even come close to portraying the selflessness that my mom does. No one has ever shown the grace that she does. She doesn't complain...not ever. She doesn't criticize, she doesn't judge. She cares for people in a way I have never seen anyone else care. She is honest, kind and genuine.
The past few years have been hard times for my mom, but she muddles through without thinking of herself. In the toughest times, she thinks of others' needs before her own. She brightens strangers' days and she lights up the room. Even when I try really hard to be a "good" person, I don't compare to her.
Her name is perfect because it describes exactly what she is and what she gives. My mom's heart is joy, her soul is joy, her name is Joy.
I couldn't agree more. Your mom took me in and feed me when Nancy didn't, lol. She's a very special lady!!
I LOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEE your mom. She has ALWAYS been like a second mom to me!!!
You are so right, that she is beautiful both on the inside and out.
I love and miss you, Joy!!! xo
Oh, and most of the people that respond to my blogs are relatives of Ryan's...LOL I haven't made that many friends yet :)
Sabrina and Liz are my 2 neighbors...but I think you already knew that.
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