Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I am SO appealing!

I realize I blog about dating a lot, but oh well, sue me.

I just wanted to express these thoughts:

If I ever have to hear a man tell me how...

- Gorgeous
- Funny
- Smart
- Fun
- Intelligent
- Beautiful
- Awesome
- Wonderful
- Interesting
- Responsible
- Sexy
- Great at kissing

...I am EVER again in describing why he doesn't want to pursue dating me anymore I swear I am gonna shoot him!

If only I owned a gun!


JENN said...

WTF? douche bags. sorry but that is the only reasonable description for them.
Dont lose hope, you are amazing....that wasnt on the list was it? :) xo

Erin said...

LOL! That wasn't on the list, but it has been said! hahahahaha!!

Don't you know, the ratio of douche bags to cool guys in CA is like 192,471:1!!

ryan24brooke said...

I'm telling need to broaden your horizons...there are good guys out there, but I'm afraid the pool in your neck of the woods too SHALLOW and SCUM-FILLED!

I will try to locate you a corn feed boy... ;)

PS. Besides the river...we are having a BBQ at my grandma Helen's on the 12th...I want you and Kel to come...bring the boys too...they can play with Jake...spread the word!!!