Monday, January 12, 2009

Grandma Evelyn

My sweet little Grandma Evelyn passed away yesterday.

I went to see her a couple of days before she passed. She told me that I looked beautiful and that my eyes were the same. The look in her eyes and the smile on her face made my heart fill with joy...

Thinking of her in this time has brought back so many memories.

She watched my sister and I quite a bit when we were kids. She carted us around. I remember visiting her mom in the old age home. Her mom had dementia and often didn't know who any of us were; I remember Grandma's apartment in Covina and all her cats, the food she made us and how it was so healthy and I didn't like it very much then; banana pancakes, shaped like animals - those were good; borrowing her Reader's Digest in the bathroom when I was about 8; watching Days of Our Lives and The Price is Right; a little tiny stuffed dog she took everywhere with us - Le Mutt; the way she always corrected our grammar; watching plays at the Fontana Players...and the memories just keep coming.

She wasn't my biological Grandma, but she was my Grandma nonetheless. I loved her and I will always think of her fondly. I thank God that she passed at an old age, in her sleep, surrounded by her loved ones who were given the wonderful chance to say goodbye.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I am so sorry for your loss Erin. I know how much she meant to you and your entire family. I'm glad she had a long life and passed the way she did...we should all be so lucky.

I can't wait to see you! I miss you more than you know.